I would like to thank those who have helped to get the word out about Thompson's Eagle's Claw and offer
these links to their sites.  In travels around the US and Canada, it was always nice to know that we were
wanted at the places we chose to stay.  Thank you again for looking and please support those who have
supported Thompson's Eagle's Claw.
Motorcycle Campgrounds & Resorts
North Carolina
British Columbia, Canada
Kitchener, British Columbia
Motorcycle Rentals & Tours
Motorcycle Organizations
For all the ladies who ride!!!
Motorcycle Related Sites
Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask!
Great for everything you'll need to plan the trip of your dreams.
Motorcycle Custom Shops
South Dakota's Premiere Custom Motorcycles
MOTORCYCLE PARK                   
Tok, AK 99780
Backpacker Organizations
Connection to the world of backpackers
Hostel Associations
Connections to hostels in Alaska
Another great site for trip planning.
North Carolina
North Carolina
Motorcycle Gear and Apparel at it's best